Five Minute Friday Writing Prompt—Represent

We all represent something. Whether we are aware of it or not is immaterial. It is visible to others. Ask them what they see in you that show what you represent.

So the question is, what do you represent? What does our daily life tell others about whom or what we represent?

I am a Jesus follower, aka a Christian. Disciples were first called Christians in Antioch, as recorded in the book of Acts 11:26. It is a daily prayer and hope when people see me they recognize the One I strive to represent.

This photograph I recently took encapsulates the image of my goal in life—i.e. to love others as Christ loves me.

The Queen

She reigned longer than I have lived. She has always been in the news, photos, magazines. I almost feel as if I knew her so familiar was her presence to me. She always amazed me. I loved reading about her.

She was a true servant to her country and people. A generous, gracious, strong, gifted Queen who was completely devoted to her duty.

It seems strangely odd she is gone. An emptiness even a little person like myself so far away from it all can feel. Yet she touched my life as well.

Make Your face to shine upon Your servant; Save me in Your loving kindness. Ps 31:16

Rest In Peace dear, generous Queen.

County Fairs

Another season is done for our Frederick and Clarke County fairs. Such fun when they come, sweet sorrow when over.

Do you know Scripture says something about joys coming to an end? “…and the end of joy may be grief.” Proverbs 14:13 It sometimes is hard when happy times end isn’t it? Yet God in His grace forewarns us of this. And since forewarned is forearmed, I’m somewhat ready for the end of a happy time.

One thing I noticed while walking around the empty fairgrounds in Clarke County, there is a feeling of joy and laughter lingering in the air among the trees. The few folks that are there are smiling and happy. Perhaps because it is over and it is fun helping exhibitors pick up their entries. There is much work involved to putting on a fair, and those folks do a fine job.

A pleasant feeling of community also lingers. We see neighbors, politicians, our local police, farmers, and lots of young people busy with their animals, all hoping for a ribbon or waiting in line for carnival rides or for some awful, yummy junk food. Often this is the only time during the year we see so much of our community and neighbors.

And now in the end happy crows are busy gobbling up all the leftover treats. Popcorn, French fries, funnel cake. All crumbs are being happily cleaned up by flocks of crows. Even they sound happy!

So as I walk the now quiet fair grounds I smile, for the joy of fairs past and those yet to come. Hope you enjoy this quiet little walk with me.