When Twinster lives too Far Away

Yesterday evening found this PFO (Primary Farm Operator), and FH (Father Harry) grandparents again!  Hooray!  Becoming a grandparent is far easier than becoming a new mommy.  The new family is close enough where help is a text message away, which is very exciting.


This makes grand-baby #6 for this Virginia family.  It is wonderful.  A brand new baby has all the hope of the future warmly wrapped in a snuggly blanket.  New grand-babies have a way of turning time backwards for this PFO.  To once again wander in those days when those bundles of future hope had Father Harry calling with the news of a new Bricker.  Of the many notions in this at-times-perplexing life, ‘time’ is the most perplexing of all.  Being out among the fields and mountains, or gazing at the sky one would hardly know that 25 years have marched by.  Yet, one look in the mirror will betray what the fields and mountains say!


Being twins assured the notion that rarely would much be done alone in this life.  Births of most all the children were attended in one form or fashion by one another.  Either one was having the baby while the other helped or visa versa. Being a mirror twin is rather like having one’s shadow with them all the time in living color!!



Being a mirror twin assured that little in life would be done alone.


“You mean there are TWO of you!”, a woman once remarked to my twinster.

So, when the shadow that was always following moved out west with her husband and family, twenty-five years ago, it rather felt as if the sun had stopped shining.   Solo—hmmm, new concept.   Those early years passed quickly with busy houses full of children.  Yet, as the place empties and the little footsteps are replaced with silence, being solo hits hard sometimes.  So now visits come more often.  Father Harry has always known he got a two-fer when he walked that aisle light years ago.  He has been a good sport about it too (as have all the husbands!).  Two of the same in one house can be a bit much.



More visits are required now that children are grown.  Father Harry is a great sport about it.

The last visit just recently ended and thus has this PFO a little gloomy.  What old age will look like for these set of twins that live so far apart can stir up some angst.  Until then the horses will continue to carry them into the woods where time stands still, and hope indeed springs eternal.


Until then the horses will carry them into the woods…





Time Well Spent

“Time well spent”, familiar words from long ago.  Having an air of a gate-keeper, these words question the value of where and how one spends this limited commodity called ‘time’.  Recently they returned to this PFO (Primary Farm Operator) as apples of gold in settings of silver.  Which, of course, requires an explanation.


The riding school here at Blue Rock Horses is solid and basic.  Students learn about horses from the ground up.  Everything learned on the ground transfers to the back of horse.  Here students are the groom, mucker (i.e. they clean horse poo), hayman, keeper of their own tack, groom their own horse, pick horses hooves and tack them themselves.  Oh yes, they must fetch their horse from the paddock as well.  Then they are ready to ride.



They are ready to ride after they have done all the ground work.

Competing in horse shows is not a focus of this school.  But what horse and rider does not love an audience?  Knowing this, Blue Rock Horses has developed a unique way to do just that–-Blue Rock Horses & Farm Riding Recital!



Students showcase their individual skills as well as drill skills.

Held annually, each student has the opportunity to showcase their horsemanship skills to recital attendees.  Every student and horse has strengths at different levels, and our recital gives them the opportunity to exhibit their growth over the year.  It also is a wonderful way for parents to see how their hard earned money is working for the student.



Every student and horse has unique skills.

Afterwards, students give pony rides to interested guests, answer questions, and enjoy goodies!


October is recital month, and plans are underway for next year!  There is work to be done, and fun to be had!




Students gave pony rides to guests, including grandma!

As guests were departing, one real cool grandma remarked with an earnest smile,”  Thank YOU!  It was time well spent!”

Yes, apples of gold in settings of silver.  Thank you, Nancy, for that lovely comment!



Thank you, Nancy, for the lovely compliment,”  It was time well spent!”



Homemade is best

Know the farmer.  Know the farm.