Our Meadow

Out here on our little farm, we have worked to keep the fields bush-hogged throughout the summers. This year, however, we managed them a bit differently. We decided to mow paths around the edges of the fields inside the fence rows. It created pretty paths for walking around the property. Everything likes to walk on paths, i.e. horses, dogs, cats and folks! Out in the field it provided great cover for birds to raise their young. We have watched more beautiful meadowlarks than ever before. They like cover, and build their nests in long grasses on the ground. While out walking one late afternoon after feeding, HoneyPie flushed up a turkey hen and her bunch of tiny chicks. They scurried to hide in the woods, and mother gathered them up quickly after we passed by. Another benefit is the Timothy grass. It was able to go to seed, which will help the pasture next season.

Winding, connecting smaller trails were tied into the ones on the outer edge providing an variety of paths and ways to walk through the fields. One can actually see the effects of the wind as it wafts over the tall grasses and wildflowers–very dreamy. There are pretty wildflowers growing all over, though I know not all are beneficial.

I was a bit concerned about snakes, but have yet to see any. Probably the horses and dogs keep them at bay.

Now that the good grasses have gone to seed, it is a smart idea to start mowing again so as to keep the late summer weeds from going to seed. Those we do not want to reproduce.

Another bonus is we saved fuel and manpower. It takes a good many hours to mow the fields. Summer has passed too quickly for it is past time to mow, and there is one more field that needs attention. Perhaps this afternoon!

Timothy grass
Fledgling meadowlarks.
HoneyPie loves the long grass!

Pretty meadow wildflowers

Five Minute Friday Writing Prompt—Accountability

I am a mirror twin. She & I have an older set of identical twins as well (and our Mom was also an identical twin!).

I used to always hear my twin say how tired she was of our three mothers, and how happy she would be to not have them. How put out with me she would get for not understanding what she meant.

It took a while, but I finally ‘got it’—Accountability.

We were accountable to our older sisters as well as our Mom. There was, to be sure, a real power thing the ‘Big’ twins had over we ‘Little’ twins. But mostly it was because of love and concern for us and our success as a family and individual.

They taught us responsibility towards those to whom we are accountable. We twins are all very close now. Mom and her twin have both passed away.

My twin and I thank God for our three mothers!

‘Hey, Granny?’

Think I should have kept track of the number of times I heard that little question this week. It was usually followed by:

May I have a peppermint?

Is it tablet time?

When will breakfast be ready?

Let’s go play with the squirt guns!

Is it dessert time yet?

Can HoneyPie go outside to play with us?

So many questions from our grandchildren that were here with us on the farm this past week. They went home today. Pop-pop and I think they would have stayed longer! There is a lot of freedom out here on the farm. Running all around without much concern for cars. We neighbors all know one another here on our private drive ‘hidden valley lane’. It is a comfort and a huge blessing.

The next-door neighbor children are happy to come over and play in the late afternoons. They run, giggle, play ball and climb trees. They have a great time outside with one another. How is it they all get thirsty, hungry, and have to use the restroom all at the same time!?

The Frederick County Fair was in full swing while the grands were here. We made a long, full night of it there. To be sure there where were no bedtime complaints upon getting home that evening. Everyone, young and old, was whipped, and full of sugar!

Gentle reader, you will never guess what the big “wow!” was—the feet and nail brushes that are in each bathroom in our home. Those giggles will resound in my memory for a happy long time! Those grands raced to the bathroom to scrub their feet with those brushes. Hey, one cannot go to bed with dirty farm feet!

All those questions had a big ‘YES’ to them during this week. Oh the fun of it all. Until next time…..

Chucking corn for supper, with the help of HoneyPie!

Clean up time, with the help of HoneyPie!

Can HoneyPie come out to play with us?!
Our community service morning.

The ‘WOW’ feet and nail brushes! 😂