Thank You for Volunteering

“Thank you for volunteering”.

Every time I work the polls someone will invariably and most kindly tell me this. I would like to think I am a “noble Roman”, but alas, I am not. Working the polls is a paying job. To be sure the pay not enough to make a life change, but is indeed enough to take your main squeeze out to dinner.

So why work the polls with the horrible hours? Poll workers have to show up at 5a.m. Polls open at 6 a.m., and close at 7 p.m. There is much to do in closing the polls. This is a government run operation, gentle reader, there is tons of paper work involved. A good Chief and Assistant Chief knows the ropes, and knows how to delegate the work to the workers. Which gets the team finished in an impressive time. That takes a great Chief and team.

There is also required training every poll worker must take. Truth is it is very nearly painful. The first time I took it I felt as if I were in a foreign language class. Truly nothing made any sense. We were (and still are) given booklets to take home and read. Really? Who ever does that? I did not. In fact I thought to myself, “Long as I am not the Chief. It is their worry.”

My first experience was a Presidential election. We did not get out of there until 9:30 p.m.! I left knowing I would never do that again, “I have done my civic duty—once is enough.”

Well, time erased that awful long day, and when the plea came out for help with the polls, I said ok. It was a smaller election and it went far better. I found I was learning the verbiage, which was a big help.

This past election, Super Tuesday, was my fifth time as a poll worker. I have learned a lot. I have even been an Assistant Chief once. My confidence was built because of the work and dedication of those Chiefs and Assistants who taught me so well. I work with the best team ever.

So, why do I work polls? First of all, we need poll workers badly. I like seeing the voters and helping them. Best of all is meeting new people on the teams. Everyone’s life stories are so interesting. I also like doing my civic duty. The best part? Taking my main squeeze out for dinner afterwards!

Would you ever be willing to work the polls?

Two ladies were knitters on my last team.
They knit beautiful things.
I brought my crochet—I make silly dishcloths.
Look at this gorgeous handmade sweater!
One voter asked us if one had to know how to knit in order to work the polls.
Isn’t this so pretty?
An excellent artist makes it look easy! Love these colors. These woman are so talented. It was fun meeting them and spending the day with them.

Five Minute Friday Writing Prompt—Hurry

Timer on:

“I’m late, I’m late for a very important date. No time to say hello, good-bye, I’m late, I’m late, I’m late…”

So starts the fun, little poem recited by the rabbit in a terrible hurry from Alice in Wonderland. This has been recited by me far too many times in my own life. Too often I feel like that rabbit. Do you? It seems everything is rush, rush, rush! How wearisome it becomes to always feel in a hurry. To make it worse for me, I am near retirement age. This hurry nonsense should have stopped by now.

One way I stop it is by walking every morning. HoneyPie, Buster and I take a daily walk in the mornings, rain or shine. A quiet walk helps set the pace for the day. I have always called them my ‘God walks’, as I converse with Him while watching a brand-new day wake up. Oh, how the Lord takes His time gently starting a new day! He is in no hurry.

Make the most of our time Scripture wisely tells us. Teach me to number my days so I may gain a heart of understanding.

Timer off.

Call him what He is

I am not able to read articles or look at photos of the dear young 22-year-old woman, Laken Riley without a broken heart and tears. She was allegedly abducted and brutally murdered by a 26-year-old illegal Venezuelan on February 22, 2024.

How sorrowful I am for the sadness and unnecessary loss this family has to suffer from the wicked hands of this suspected illegal killer.

I can hardly imagine how Ms. Riley’s parents must have felt with President Biden’s remark, “I shouldn’t have used ‘illegal’; it’s ‘undocumented’ . Call him what he is. He is an illegal.

It is embarrassing this President allows himself to be bullied into using sophomoric descriptions so as not to upset the illegal. Not only that, it is wrong.

He is an illegal here in our country. An illegal that has now allegedly murdered an innocent young woman for no reason and horribly re-arranged an entire families life.

What would you call him if it was your daughter he abducted and brutally murdered?

Five Minute Friday Writing Prompt—Dedicate

Timer on…

The first words that came to mind for this week writing prompt were:

“We have come to dedicate a portion of that field…”

It seems fitting the Gettysburg Address will comprise my thoughts for today. I pray all who read this will be reminded of the difficult task our early leaders toiled tirelessly for for this great country they passed to us. May we each do our part in keeping it.

“Sir, what have you given us?” a woman on the street asked Benjamin Franklin after signing the Constitution.

“A Republic, ma’am…if you can keep it”, was his reply.

Timer off…