Mea Culpa

That is hard to say no matter what language! I believe it was mea culpa, that is, my fault.

Over two weeks ago, while feeding the horses, I walked into our big geldings stall. He was busy eating the hay I had just put out for him. Quietly, gently I grabbed his tail.
In an instant his hind leg went up in a threat and he closed up the space with his huge hindquarters. I was between those hindquarters and the oak fence board that separated the stalls. Unable to speak, I pressured him with my hands. He moved over but not before I heard what I thought was the fence board crack. Now, over two weeks ago, I do believe that “crack” was my rib.

Two things I have re-learned:
1. ALWAYS make your presence known to your horse through your voice.

2. Never stop ground work on your horse. Our gelding felt the pressure of my hands on him and moved off the pressure for I had no air for a voice.

Little can be done for cracked ribs besides rest, ice, painkillers and good ‘ole tincture of time. I am feeling better everyday and that it a blessing. One of my older sisters wisely says, “Life—it is hazardous to your health.”

I am thankful to know we have a Lord that protects us daily. Otherwise I am not sure I would ever venture out of the front door!

O Lord, You preserve man and beast. Psalms 36:6

webster in snow

Always make your presence known around your horse, through your voice.

Too Young? Too Old? Baahumbug!

Is anyone too young or too old to have a friend? We all know that is a silly question, and certainly is not the case here at Blue Rock Horses.

We just started our youngest student, 5-year-old Peter. Our first cowboy! Our goal is to begin a friendship between him and horses that will last a lifetime. It matters little if he ever becomes a great horseman. Our idea is to create a bond with him and these beautiful animals. There is something beyond words that happens between man and animal. Man knows it and so do the animals we care for. God called man to care for animals. This, we are sure, is where the bond began.

So, back to Peter. We will take it one lesson at a time according to his desire. He enjoyed touching High Hope’s velvety muzzle, and feeling her warm breathe on his hand. He wanted to ride with me, so we rode bareback. All our students ride bareback every now and then. It teaches great balance, and on cold days the horse’s furry, warm coat feels great!

Peter will set the pace for us, and we will have rich lessons together—all 3 of us!

Our oldest student is my mother. You must never tell her this though, as those are “fightin'” words! “You!”, she reminds me always,”are the one I taught!”

This is very true. My mother is an outstanding horsewoman. She will soon turn 86 years old, and up until this year we did get her up on High Hope, and she rode around the paddock. It is something to see her loose her age when she is on a horse. She has lost much of her immediate memory, but she has never lost her love of the horse.

It is so funny to hear her say every time she sees High Hope, “Damn! That’s a nice looking dun!” You have to know my mother!

It is our goal to find a way to get Mom back in the saddle, her legs just don’t want to swing over the saddle anymore. But I know this much, she does not have to ride to “feel” that beautiful rhythm of the walk, for it is in her very being.

Peter petting HH

Peter enjoyed petting High Hope's velvety muzzle

Peter riding with me bareback

All our students ride bareback every so often. It teaches great balance.

Mom and Webster

"I want to go out to see the horses." My Mom