The Fix-It Man

My father-in-law, Bill, was the best fix-it man I have ever known. He was a child of the Depression, as such, he learned how to fix things and make things work again. He did not throw stuff out he thought would be of use again somehow. Yet he was neat and tidy, all things were in order and clean. He always had his toolbox in the boot of his car and a knife in his pocket.

If I did not have a work list for him when they, he and Polly (my mother-in-law) would visit us, he would go home. Be sure gentle reader, I always had a work list.

I would sit and visit with him in his magnificent shop while he worked. We chatted about tools, and projects. I would help him sweep and straighten up.

The best thing is, he taught our sons. They enjoyed him and his shop as much as I did. They were made to keep it orderly if they worked in it. They had fun making wooden guns out of the scraps he had. I could hear them laughing together in the shop.

My best fix-it man has been gone a long time, but his skills and love of being in the shop are carried on by our sons, and me. Though I wish my shop were as tidy as his.

I never took photos of him working. So this summer I have had a grand time taking photos of one of his protégés, our son Gordon, working on his summer projects before heading back to school in Idaho.

This vice was Bill’s.
One summer project—his car.
Gordon keeps his tools neat and tidy too when he’s finished with them.
Their grandfather taught them all about tools.
Go-cart work another project.
This grinder was Bills as well.
Spending hours in the shop.
The big hands of a fix-it man.

He Waters the Earth

Our prayers were answered as the kiosk outside our local nursery had posted: Pray for Rain.

We have had the most gentle, lovely rain fall for the past three days. It truly is heavenly, and an answer to prayer. Glory!

I heard we are 8″ short of rainfall. It has felt like a desert here where we live. But not anymore. It has rained. Flowers have opened up, the earth smells good, the horses hooves will soften. We gardeners and farmers are grateful.

I like Benjamin Franklins quote: “When the well is dry, we know the worth of water.”

Though our well did not go dry, our daughter & son-in-laws well went murky. They came to farm to give their well a rest.

All is well now because He waters the Earth. Amen.

Five Minute Friday Writing Prompt—Aspire

I do not aspire to be a politician. I have a hard time keeping interested in who is running for what. But when it comes to Primary Elections, I am all over it. This is because the primaries are more important than general elections. It is this election where the candidate of your choice has a chance at winning the race.

It is disappointing to see the low turnout at the polls when I work the primaries.

It is the primaries where a difference can be made with elected officials. Look at voting records to make your choice of candidate—not the flyers.

Please, do vote in primaries. Should you choose not to, may I say you have very little room for complaining about our government.

Five Minute Friday Writing Prompt—Hidden

God makes life easier for me. Glory!

He knows my coming, going, when I sit down, when I rise, when I am foolish and when I sin. Nothing is hidden from Him.

So I need not even consider trying to hide. It will not succeed. This makes my life easier to live. I can tell Him all my worries, pains, sorrows, foolishness, and confess my sins. He hears, helps and forgives. Not only that, He carries them and tends to them for me if I leave them at the foot of The Cross. There is no god like Him. Do you know Him?

I want to be like Paul and Silas singing songs to Him in a dark, dank prison cell, confident He hears and cares.

Every “hidden” thing is seen and known by Him. Unlike Dr. Frankenstein who hated his creation, God loves His!

O God You know my foolishness, and my sins are not hidden from You. Psalm 69:5

Is Your House ever Quiet?

I was asked this question many times as a young mother with five children, dogs, cats, and a bird. I would laugh and say, “Yes! Around 2 a.m. in the morning it’s nice and quiet!”

We still have dogs, cats, a bird, horses and chickens but the children are grown and now have families of their own. So our busy, noisy home full of kids happens only when our grandchildren come for visits.

Cousins that do not often see one another get extended time together here on the farm for a couple nights. To say it is wild and crazy is rather an understatement. We aim to please, create life-long memories, and ties that bind us together as family.

Good planning ahead of visit makes these times special and smoother sailing for everyone. The groceries! How much needs to be stocked up for these ever-hungry little people! I know the meals and snacks we will have, and am all prepared!

They pile like a pack of puppies in our downstairs bedroom. Who ever said sleep-overs were about sleep?

They are all here for only a couple nights. Just enough to keep everyone wanting more, while making fun, life-long memories.

They sure seem to enjoy one anothers’ company. Watching them run, laugh, play tag, chase lightning bugs at night and eat like little piggies around the table confirm that these are the times they will hold dear one day. Glory!

They are not interested much in going out to “do things.” They simply want their free time to spend together outside. With the exception of always wanting to go get soft-serve ice cream at Packs. We visited only one place off the farm this visit.

When I watch these happy children run like little wild indians around our farm, I am reminded of the poem The Barefoot Boy, by John Greenleaf Whittier:

Blessings on thee, little man, Barefoot boy, with cheek of tan!…

The joys, innocence and simplicity of childhood are taken away far too early these days. Childhood is gift every child should be given. We see to it these grandchildren have full, simple and hopefully memorable times with each other in this ephemeral time called childhood.

We hope these photos of our barefoot boys and girl bring a smile and perhaps a special memory to you.

A huge hit—the swing set!
An early (5:45 a.m.!) morning quiet time.
The only one still asleep? Our 13 year-old grandson!😂
Sugar cubes were a ‘new’ thing for them. Another huge hit!
Going to join fishermen cousins at the pond—our little girl and puppy.
Always ready to fish!
A tiny sunfish!
A beautiful wildflower bouquet brought in from the field for the table!
Water gun fun—shooting the photographer, me!
Always have horseback riding times! High Hope is a good teacher.
Riding double bareback in a halter and lead line. Oh the fun of it! High Hope agrees.
Duke is always a favorite with everyone.
Fireworks are always in order when their Uncle Gordon is here!
A Good Morning greeting and wake up from HoneyPie.
Time to get up,” Buster says.
The swing set has now fallen silent…until next time.