Pie or Cake?

This ongoing question at our house never seems to tire out. We have fun asking folk which do they prefer? Which then always leads to the next obvious question; what is your favorite pie or cake?

It makes for interesting talk. Invariably answers include childhood memories. Often it depended on their mommas and what they baked for them.

I have baked both because my main squeeze, Bill, prefers fruit pies while I choose cake. My favorite cake is Chocolate Cake with Mocha Icing. Bill’s favorite pie he says, “Undecided, between cherry or blueberry”.

If I had to choose a pie, Blueberry would be it.

There is a close runner- up though, and that is Strawberry Pie. Made from local berries. This Spring has been a lovely season. Cool and lots of rain. Strawberries came in early. They are very good.

My dear friend gave me some from her patch, so I decided a strawberry pie was in order. May I say it was delicious? Fun and easy to make too.

Which do you prefer? Pie or cake?

Beautiful strawberries from my friend’s garden.
The filling makes up fast and easy.
Blind baking the pie crust.
Turned out nicely. This crust was made with lard.
I added blueberries for fun and color. Only thing it needs is whipped cream on top! Very good.